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5 Things To Step Up Your Diet And Healthy Lifestyle - Lifestyle is very influential to your daily activity, especially your diet. Food intake that is never counted can damaged you in the future. So, start your healthy lifestyle now or never. You can start by taking a small step like reducing your snack or workout more.  

A healthy lifestyle is a way of living that lowers the risk by achieving good health. Good health is not just physical, as the absence of disease or illness, but mental and social also in a state of well-being. Achieving a healthy lifestyle is kinda hard but is not hard at all. Small step that you can do first is controlling your stress. After your mind is organized, you can start your food intake.

Many foods can be good and bad for your body. It can be because of how your food is processed. Too long at frying with so much oil, roasting food until burn, or uncalculated calories intake may cause you bad. So these are 5 things to step up your diet and healthy lifestyle.

1. Don't Cut Your Food Intake But Cut Your Calories 

    What do you mean by Don't Cut Your Food Intake But Cut Your Calories?. Yes, if you ever calculate your daily necessary calories. You may want to write your calories intake in a day. From that, you can notice how many calories each food has and how many calories you eat in a day, and you can see haw many calories you need to take.

    You can start by choosing food that has fewer calories like a salad. But of course, don't cut your calories by a little too much. At first, you can cut it like when usually you eat a whole pizza, you left 1 slice of pizza and change it to fruit so you have a balanced diet

2. Have A Balanced Diet

    After knowing how much to take, how many calories of every food. You can start a balanced diet where you take calories necessary for your body but you can also enjoy. It's a win-win solution. You eat what you like and are still in the range. Just combine veggies, fruit, meat or protein if your a vegan, carb, and many more. 

You can make a meal-prep for a week if you have a busy schedule. Or make an overnight oat and have meal-prep delivered from a store that serves healthy balanced food. Just make it easy and simple so you don't get overwhelmed

3. Workout More

If you feel like you are too stuffy at home, just take a walk to the mall or park or everywhere you desire. Or you can make a garden then grow your own food so that you can keep track of food quality and be proud of your harvest. 

If you don't want to go out, you can do yoga or go to the gym. Just do everything that comforted you. If you have never worked out before, you can start in just 5 minutes, and slowly increase the duration. Just don't lose the motivation to be more healthy.

4. Eat Clean!

What is eat clean?. Eat clean or clean eating is not about clean or dirty is the food. But it is about minimalizing processed food and considering to eat natural food and get abundant of vitamins from the food. Because sometimes we don't know what ingredients in the food that has been processed by the factory. So consider making your own food so that you can keep track of what you eat and consumed

You can cut your processed food intake bit by bit until you can cut it completely. If you hesitate to cut it completely, It's okay. you still can eat one or more but don't take it too often. 

5. Consistent Of Doing It

After you read it all, you still need the most important and basic things. It is consistent. Consistent doing what you are doing now. Improving your lifestyle to be more healthy and achieving the healthy lifestyle that your dream of. If you doing it for about a week and then you not doing it, you are still so far from that. Consistent is a mindset that you can do it. You can achieve it little by little and put in your hard work and invest your time to do it. 

Do it step by step, slowly but consistently. And you gonna reach the result in a very short amount of time. Lifestyle is very influential to your daily activity. So start now or never. Remember to have fun in doing it because a healthy lifestyle is not just about physically but also emotionally and socially.
Stay tune for another article ^_^


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